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Record information about all events
With volunteer rescue define unlimited event types and store detailed information including why, when, where, who and what was used. Use this information to track member, equipment and produce detailed statistical analysis of training, searches, rescues etc...
Events in volunteer rescue covers all events an organization would be involved with putting on or participating in and can be generalized as items you would see on a calendar, volunteer rescue allows an organization to create as many event types as they require including
For all event types created an organization can select what information needs to be recorded from the following
Participants | Allows the selection of those members and contacts that were used for the event, this can link with the expenses to provide the ability to easily create expense items for each participant (e.g. mileage, meals). |
Equipment | Equipment items that were used on the event and like participants can link with expenses to provide the ability to easily create expense items. Equipment also link with action notifications that can be created to send action notifications to members and contacts when a piece of equipment has been used a specified number of times or for a specfified number of hours. |
Claims | Claims are expense claims made for expenses incurred, these claims can be auto generated using the expense items created for participants and equipment along with ad hoc claims. Claims can be tracked in the system giving an organization an immediate view of what stage of approval a claim is at and what monies they are still waiting for. |
Expenses | Creates expense items for participants and equipment along with providing the option to create expense items for the task as a whole which will also be included in the auto generated claims. |
Subjects | Records general information of the subject(s). |
An organization will probably want to extend the information that can be captured over and above that provided for by volunteer rescue and as for members and equipment volunteer rescue provides the ability for an organization to define their own fields and lists to satisfy an organizations specific information requirements and these custom fields and lists can be added to the entry pages for all the above.
All events can be displayed on a calendar and a google map but much of the information collected for an event will be confidential and only accessible to a select few members. An organization can decide whether the item should be displayed as restricted, completely hidden or optionally opt to display a subset of non confidential information so as to inform members and their local community of activity without exposing confidential information.
Event registration
For events that will occur in the future (e.g. training, meetings) registration can be enabled. Members and contacts can register for the event enabling an organization to see ahead of time who will be attending the event, this information can be used to determine whether to postpone the event when a minimum number of participants is required.
Optionally, the registration process can include approval where the event organiser can approve or reject registration requests.
Where the event has a limited number of places registration requests can be placed on a waiting list when the number of available spaces has been filled.