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Never miss an inspection date
Rescue organizations constantly place their volunteers in dangerous situations and need to make sure the equipment they use is ready for the job to ensure their volunteers are not exposed to equipment failure and the risks associated.
As Rescue organizations grow they will find their equipment list growing especially as funds become available through donations, grant proposals, fundraising etc... but as the equipment list grows so does the need to record details of all the equipment in an organizations' possession. With this growing list of equipment comes the responsibility to inspect, repair, retire and replace this equipment to ensure it is safe for the job it is intended for.
Volunteer rescue provides pages to record details of all equipment an organization owns including
As for members and contacts it is likely an organization will want to capture further information other than that provided for by volunteer rescue and again this is made possible by creating custom fields and lists that can be assigned to the equipment profile pages ensuring all information for equipment an organization needs can be recorded.
External equipment
Along with equipment an organization owns from time to time it will likely need to use equipment provided by external resources such as a helicopter, a neighbouring groups command vehicle, additional radios etc... Using the same pages volunteer rescue allows the recording of these equipment items including where they are located, cost of use and who to contact in order to use.
As mentioned above a key responsibility of owning equipment is to ensure it is regularly inspected and either repaired or retired. Trying to remember the inspection period for all equipment often leads to dates being missed but with volunteer rescue these periods need never be missed again with the creation of notification actions that can be triggered based on the following
When a trigger point is reached an email and optional SMS message will be sent to one or more recipients (members or contacts) informing them an action is required with details of what is required.
Often, the notification will need to be received prior to the inspection period to allow time to arrange for the inspection therefore a notification action defined in volunteer rescue also allows an organization to specify a notify prior to period after which point notifications will be sent each time a piece of equipment has been used until the action has been completed.
Inspection history
Once the inspection has been completed a history record can be added that records the date the action was completed along with who completed it and any notes arising from the inspection providing a history of maintenance for equipment items.